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Image by Pesce Huang

Spider Veins & Vascular Lesions

We specialize in treating vein disease at any stage of its development.


What Are Spider Veins & Vascular Lesions?

Spider veins are minuscule, expanded blood vessels that become visible on the skin's surface, often taking on an appearance reminiscent of a spider's web, thus the name "spider veins." Typically, these veins manifest on the legs and face, displaying hues of red, blue, or purple. On the other hand, vascular lesions constitute a comprehensive term encompassing anomalies within blood vessels. This category incorporates birthmarks like port-wine stains, alongside other conditions such as hemangiomas or cherry angiomas.

The causes behind these conditions exhibit variability, with factors like age, genetic predisposition, hormonal fluctuations, sun exposure, and even lifestyle choices all playing a role in their development. Although the origins may differ, both spider veins and vascular lesions share common indications—distinct, discolored patches or lines on the skin. While these manifestations generally do not induce physical discomfort, they can spark concerns of a cosmetic nature.

Stages of Vein Disease / Varicose ... What Stage Am I?

With over a million residents in the UAE grappling with an unacknowledged vein ailment, merely 1% of those diagnosed choose to pursue treatment. Left unaddressed, this vein ailment (commonly known as varicose veins) advances by 4% annually, exacerbating its symptoms. The condition is categorized into six CEAP stages that denote the progression of the ailment. Could your legs potentially align with any of these stages?

Stage 1: Spider Veins

Small, red or blue tree-like veins appear beneath the skin, indicating faulty leg vein valves. These minute veins, known as spider veins, reveal the tip of the issue.

Stage 2: Reticular Varicose Veins

Neglected spider veins become larger, protruding varicose veins causing discomfort, itching, and vein rupture risk. Blue or purple twisted veins signal concern.

Stage 3: Venous Nodes

Unattended varicose veins lead to leg swelling due to leaky valves, causing tightness, heaviness, and skin changes, as blood accumulates in lower limbs.

Stage 4: Chronic Venous Insufficiency

Rust-colored skin reveals stage four disease, with iron deposits causing discoloration from accumulated blood in lower legs.

Stage 5: Trophic Ulcers / Varicose Eczema

Beyond earlier stages, leg ulcers form, challenging to heal and prone to scarring.

Spider Veins and Reticular Veins with Sclerotherapy

Sclerotherapy, a medical procedure treating spider and reticular veins, injects a solution into affected veins, causing them to shrink and vanish. The solution irritates vein lining, forming scar tissue that closes the vein, redirecting blood flow. Foam Sclerotherapy, a variant, mixes sclerosant with air, enhancing contact with vein walls and allowing treatment of larger veins.

Benefits of Sclerotherapy

Sclerotherapy provides multiple advantages: It enhances leg appearance by diminishing spider and reticular veins, eases symptoms like pain and heaviness, and is minimally invasive. This outpatient procedure ensures swift recovery, enabling quick return to regular activities.

Procedure for Sclerotherapy

1. Patient reclines, veins marked.
2. Sclerosant solution injected via a fine needle into veins.
3. Compression may aid closure.
4. Takes 15-30 minutes, based on vein quantity/size.

Side Effects of Sclerotherapy

Sclerotherapy, mostly safe, can lead to mild discomfort, cramping, temporary skin discoloration, and bruising. Swelling around treated veins and infrequently, small ulcers or blood clots, are also possible side effects.

removing spider veins at EDEN Aesthetics Clinic Dubai

Traditional VS Modern Treatments

In the past, approaches to address spider veins and vascular lesions varied, encompassing conservative techniques like wearing compression stockings to more intrusive interventions like surgical procedures. Yet, progress in the field of aesthetic medicine has ushered in minimally invasive and highly efficient remedies. These include options like sclerotherapy, Fotona laser treatment, and BroadBand Light (BBL) therapy, which offer reduced invasiveness and enhanced effectiveness.

Spotlight on Sclerotherapy

Sclerotherapy: Effective since the 1930s, this minimally invasive procedure treats spider veins and vascular lesions. A solution is injected into the vein, causing it to clot and fade into scar tissue. The success rate is 75-80%, with little pain and quick recovery. Anesthesia-free, it's safer with minor, temporary side effects. Best for visible veins; consultation guides suitability.

Spotlight on Fotona Laser Treatment

Fotona Laser Treatment uses advanced dual-wavelength laser tech for non-invasive skincare. It targets veins, lesions, and vessels with minimal harm to the surroundings. Laser heat collapses vessels, reducing visibility. Precise for delicate areas, it's quick, discomfort is low, and no downtime. Results are often seen in one session, more might be needed. Side effects brief. Suitable for all skin types; tailored by condition. Prep skin well. Consult a pro. Skin health journey; prep crucial for Fotona success.

Spotlight on BBL (BroadBand Light) Therapy

BroadBand Light (BBL) Therapy employs intense pulsed light (IPL) for non-invasive treatment of skin issues like spider veins and vascular lesions. Precisely targeting concerns, BBL's light energy heats and damages problematic blood vessels, prompting their natural reabsorption. Versatile BBL also tackles age spots, sun damage, and pigmentation problems, providing comprehensive skin rejuvenation. Sessions, lasting 20-30 minutes, are relatively comfortable and quick. Post-treatment, brief redness or swelling may occur. BBL is ideal for lighter skin tones due to enhanced contrast. Professional consultation ensures suitability based on individual goals and needs. Protecting treated skin from the sun is vital post-treatment.

Expert in Vein Disease

Your Doctor

Dr Ehsan Setoodeh EDEN Surgoen Dubai

General Surgeon, Laparoscopic Specialist, and Aesthetic Expert Transcending Medical

Dr. Ehsan Sotoudeh

A reputable General Surgeon, Laparoscopic Specialist, and Aesthetic Expert with an impressive 24-year career dedicated to enhancing lives through surgical precision and aesthetic excellence. With a diverse medical repertoire, Dr. Sotoudeh excels in various fields, prominently in laparoscopic procedures - a minimally invasive approach promoting quicker recovery times and less scarring. His surgical mastery extends to hernia repair, cholecystectomy, appendectomy, and varicose vein ablation by laser.

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